fill the frame
fill the frame is when the picture covers the whole frame and isnt square
This is one of my favorite images because the background looks blurry and she looks clear. This is another favorite because even though...
Manipulating pictures and its importance
Its important to manipulate pictures because if your are advertising a product you want the buyer to be interested in your product so...
Head shots
Head shots are important because when a client wants to hire you they will most likely choose you on your first impression and how you...
The top 5 tips for food photography
Tip one Pick the freshest food that looks the tastiest to catch the audiences attention that makes them want to eat the food through the...
Presidential Photographer
I would work as a photographer for the next president because it seems fun and interesting to work for the president. You also get paid...
This is a photo of no arms. All you do is have your subject move their arms really fast.
This is a light painting picture. To achieve this photo all you have to do is make the room kinda dark and half way press the button on...
This is a picture of blurred water. All you have to do is make the water come out so it can look blurry.
This is a still object blurred crowd picture. To capture this image all you have to do is have someone stand still and have people...